Western New York Two Cylinder Club (WNYTCC)
Levi Grant, President
Al Hain, 1st Vice President
John Langless, 2nd Vice President
Jeannie Zielinski, Secretarty
Bill Rander, Treasurer
Cheyanne Grant, Historian
David Zielinski, Director
Bill Rander, Director
Sam Holmes, Director
Richard Karalus, Director
​Cheyanne Grant, News Letter Editor

The Western New York Two Cylinder Club usually meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Western New York Gas & Steam Engine Association grounds in Alexander, New York. Sixty three people showed interest in organizing a tractor club at the first meeting in May of 1991. Family and individual participation remains high. Today we have approximately 413 members and have an average of 85 in attendance at the monthly meetings. Please feel free to join us at any regular meeting.

Each year our annual banquet is held on the third Saturday of March. Guest speakers have been such notables as, LeRoy Klein, the original Two Cylinder Club founder, J.R. Hobbs, writer for the Green Magazine and Two-Cylinder, Gary Uken, noted tractor restorer, Greg Stephan, John Deere memorabilia expert and writer for the Green Magazine, and Don Dufner, a noted John Deere collector from North Dakota.

On the last Sunday of April, our annual Farm Toy and Real Tractor Show is held in Brockport, New York. The show features farm toys, real tractors with implements and farmstead equipment.

The Western New York Two Cylinder Club participates in many parades and charity events throughout the year. Plow days are usually held in the spring and fall, weather permitting.

Membership in the Western New York Two Cylinder Club is only $15.00 per year and includes a comprehensive monthly newsletter detailing activities, coming events, for sale items, and pertinent information.

Become a Member Today!
New York State Two Cylinder Expo